Venue - PDP Creative Media Conference

Cultural Centre Svilara

ĐorĐa RajkoviĆa 6b
NOVI Sad, serbia

Cultural Centre Svilara is a new space intended for culture and art in Novi Sad. It is, in fact, a revitalized silk factory and its building is an important symbol of the city’s industrial heritage. Svilara will be this year’s epicenter of happening at the 11th PDP conference, where all the lectures and some exhibitions and workshops will be held.

Cultural Centre Eđšeg

Antona Čehova 4
Novi Sad, Serbia

In Hungarian, the name of this extraordinary bulding means unity, and that word is the exact description of PDP’s content and program, which devotes itself equally to all kinds of visual art – design, illustration, animation, photography and architecture. Every represented media is intertwined, creating a unity that we call creative industry.

Cultural Centre Lab

Dr. Hempta 2
Novi Sad, Serbia

Cultural Centre Lab is located in a modernist house near Futoški park. It represents a unique meeting point for self-employed professionals and creative groups who work in the fields of creative economy, social entrepreneurship and culture. This year during PDP conference, you will be able to attend a photography exhibition by Belgrade Raw collective, music gigs and parties here.

Novi Sad train station

Bulevar Jaše Tomića 4
Novi Sad, Serbia

Built in 1964, Novi Sad’s train station is a unique combination of modernist architectural style and a nod to traditional houses of Vojvodina, best seen in its highly praised, lucid roof. It is a new location for PDP’s program, where visitors will be able to attend the Swiss Style Now exhibition